Here’s nearly 800 supposed Bible “errors” with their resolutions.


Genesis 1:1—How can the universe have a “beginning” when modern science says energy is eternal?

Genesis 1:1—How could the author of Genesis know what happened at creation before he was even created?

Genesis 1:14—How could there be light before the sun was made?

Genesis 1:26—Why does the Bible use the plural “us” when God refers to Himself?

Genesis 1:27—Were Adam and Eve real people or just myths?

Genesis 2:1—How could the world be created in six days?

Genesis 2:4—Why does this chapter use the term “Lord God” rather than “God” as in chapter one?

Genesis 2:8—Was the Garden of Eden a real place or just a myth?

Genesis 2:17—Why didn’t Adam die the day he ate the forbidden fruit, as God said he would?

Genesis 2:19—How can we explain the difference in the order of creation events between Genesis 1 and 2?

Genesis 3:5—Is man made like God or does he become like God?

Genesis 3:8—How could Adam and Eve go from God’s presence if God is everywhere?

Genesis 4:5—Does God show respect to certain persons?

Genesis 4:12–13—Why wasn’t Cain given capital punishment for the murder he committed?

Genesis 4:17—Where did Cain get his wife?

Genesis 4:17—How could Cain marry a relative without committing incest?

Genesis 4:19—Does the Bible approve of polygamy?

Genesis 4:26—Did worship of God begin here or earlier?

Genesis 5:1ff—How can we reconcile this chronology (which adds up to c. 4,000 years b.c.) when anthropology has shown humankind is much older?

Genesis 5:5—How could people live over 900 years?

Genesis 6:2—Were the “Sons of God” angels who married women?

Genesis 6:3—Does this contradict what Moses said in Psalm 90 about human longevity?

Genesis 6:6—Why was God unsatisfied with what He made?

Genesis 6:14ff—How could Noah’s ark hold hundreds of thousands of species?

Genesis 6:14ff—How could a wooden ark survive such a violent flood?

Genesis 7:24—Did the flood rains last forty days or one hundred fifty days?

Genesis 8:1—Did God temporarily forget Noah?

Genesis 8:21—Did God change His mind about never destroying the world again?

Genesis 8:22—If seedtime and harvest were never to be interrupted, then why were there famines?

Genesis 9:3—Did God ordain the eating of meat or only plants?

Genesis 10:5 (cf. 20, 31)—Why does this verse indicate that humankind had many languages when Genesis 11:1 says there was only one?

Genesis 11:5—How can God “come down” from heaven when He is already here (and everywhere)?

Genesis 11:28—How could Abraham’s family be from Ur of the Chaldees when elsewhere it says his ancestors came from Haran?

Genesis 11:32—Was Abraham 75 years old when he left Haran, or was he 135 years old?

Genesis 12:10–20; 20:1–18—Why did God let Abraham prosper by lying?

Genesis 14—Is the account of Abraham’s defeat of the Mesopotamian kings historically reliable?

Genesis 14:18–20—Who was Melchizedek?

Genesis 15:16—Did the Exodus occur in the fourth generation or in the sixth?

Genesis 15:17; cf. 19:23—Why does the Bible use unscientific terms such as “the sun going down”?

Genesis 19:8—Was the sin of Sodom homosexuality or inhospitality?

Genesis 19:30–38—Does the Bible condone incest?

Genesis 20:12—If incest is condemned, why did Abraham marry his sister?

Genesis 21:32, 34—Did the Bible mistakenly place the Philistines in Palestine at the time of Abraham?

Genesis 22:2—Why did God tell Abraham to sacrifice his son when God condemned human sacrifice in Leviticus 18 and 20?

Genesis 22:2—How could Isaac be Abraham’s “only son” when he already had Ishmael?

Genesis 22:12—Was God ignorant of how Abraham would respond?

Genesis 23—How could the sons of Heth have been in Hebron in 2050 b.c. when their kingdom was in what is now modern Turkey?

Genesis 25:1—Why does Genesis 25:1 call Keturah Abraham’s wife, while 1 Chronicles 1:32 calls her his concubine?

Genesis 25:1–2—How could Abraham have children naturally here when years before he needed a miracle to have Isaac?

Genesis 25:8—Did the Hebrews have a concept of life after death at such an early point in their history?

Genesis 25:31–33—Did Jacob purchase the birthright or get it by deception?

Genesis 26:33—Was Beersheba named by Abraham or later by Isaac?

Genesis 26:34—How many wives did Esau have?

Genesis 27:42–44—Did Jacob return to Haran to flee Esau or to get a wife?

Genesis 29:21–30—When was Rachel given to be Jacob’s wife?

Genesis 31:20—How could God bless Jacob after he deceived Laban?

Genesis 31:32—How could God bless Rachel when she stole Laban’s idols and then lied to him about it?

Genesis 32:30—Can God’s face be seen?

Genesis 46:4—Did God bring Jacob out of Egypt or did he die there?

Genesis 46:8–27—Why does the Bible speak about the twelve tribes of Israel when actually there were fourteen?

Genesis 49:5–7—How can Jacob pronounce a curse upon Levi here and yet Moses blessed Levi in Deuteronomy 33:8–11?

Genesis 49:10—Who or what is “Shiloh” in this verse?

Genesis 49:10b—If Judah was to reign until the Messiah, why was Israel’s first king from the tribe of Benjamin?

Genesis 49:14–15—Why did Jacob predict slavery for Issachar here, but in Deuteronomy 33:18–19 Moses predicted blessing?


Exodus 1:15—How could two midwives take care of so many Hebrew women?

Exodus 1:15–21—How could God bless the Hebrew midwives for disobeying the God-ordained governmental authority (Pharaoh) and lying to him?

Exodus 3:22—How could an all-loving God command the Hebrews to plunder the Egyptians of their riches?

Exodus 4:21—If God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, how can Pharaoh be held responsible?

Exodus 4:24—Whom did the Lord meet at the encampment, and why did He seek to kill him?

Exodus 6:3—Was God known by His name “Lord” (Jehovah or Yahweh) before Moses’ time?

Exodus 6:9—Did the children of Israel listen to Moses or disregard his words?

Exodus 6:10–13—Was Moses called by God in Egypt or in Midian?

Exodus 6:16–20—How could the people of Israel have been in Egypt for 430 years when there were only three generations between Levi and Moses?

Exodus 6:26–27—Didn’t someone besides Moses write these verses?

Exodus 7:11—How could the wise men and sorcerers of Pharaoh perform the same feats of power that God told Moses to perform?

Exodus 7:19—How could Israel escape this judgment if it came upon all the land of Egypt?

Exodus 7:20—How could Moses have turned all the water to blood if the magicians had some left to do the same thing?

Exodus 9:19–21—If all the cattle died, then how did some survive?

Exodus 11:3—How could Moses have written these words of self-praise?

Exodus 12:29—How could an all-loving God slay the firstborn of all the Egyptians?

Exodus 20:4—Why did God command His people not to make carved images when He directed them to carve two cherubs for the Ark of the Covenant?

Exodus 20:5a—Does God get jealous?

Exodus 20:5b—Does God ever punish one person for another’s sins?

Exodus 20:8–11—Why do Christians worship on Sunday when the commandment sets apart Saturday as the day of worship?

Exodus 20:13—How could God command people not to kill, and then, in Exodus 21:12, command that murderers be put to death?

Exodus 20:24—Was the altar made of earth or of wood?

Exodus 21:22–23—Does this passage show that unborn children are of less value than adults?

Exodus 21:29–30—Why was capital punishment commuted in the case of some murders?

Exodus 23:19—Why is boiling a kid in its mother’s milk prohibited?

Exodus 24:4—How could Moses have written this when modern scholars say several different authors (JEPD) are responsible for it?

Exodus 24:9–11—How could these people see God when God said in Exodus 33:20, “no man shall see me and live”?

Exodus 24:10—Can God be seen?

Exodus 25:18ff—If it is wrong to make graven images, why did God command Moses to make one?

Exodus 31:17—Can God get tired?

Exodus 31:18—Does God have fingers?

Exodus 32:14—Does God change His mind?

Exodus 33:3—Did God change His mind about going with the Israelites into the Land of Promise?

Exodus 34:20—Were unclean animals to be redeemed with money or killed?


Leviticus 3:2—Was the blood poured on the altar or sprinkled on it?

Leviticus 5:18—Was the sacrifice to be brought to the priest or to the Lord?

Leviticus 11:5–6—How can the Bible say that the hyrax and the rabbit chew the cud when science now knows that they do not?

Leviticus 12:5, 7—If motherhood was so blessed by God, why did mothers have to bring a sacrifice to God to expiate for having children?

Leviticus 13:47–59—How can the Bible say that leprosy infected clothing?

Leviticus 16:6–22—Why did God set up the procedure of the scapegoat, and what does it represent?

Leviticus 18:22—Have the laws against homosexuality been abolished along with laws against eating pork?

Leviticus 18:22–24—Is the curse of barrenness the reason God condemned homosexuality?

Leviticus 23:32—Was the feast observed on the ninth day or on the tenth day?

Leviticus 23:42–43—Did Israel dwell in booths or in tents?

Leviticus 26:30—Did God abhor Israel?


Numbers 1:1—How could Moses have written Numbers when critics claim it was written centuries after his death?

Numbers 1:1–4:49—How accurate is this census of the tribes of Israel?

Numbers 1:46—Was this census made here or earlier?

Numbers 3:12—If God commanded that firstborn sons from all the tribes be given Him, why was the tribe of Levi given instead?

Numbers 4:3—How can the age for Levitical service be 30, when Numbers 8:24 says 25, and Ezra 3:8 says 20?

Numbers 4:6—Were the staves to remain in the Ark or to be removed?

Numbers 5:13–22—Doesn’t the Bible condone a superstition here?

Numbers 6:5—Does the vow of the Nazarite contradict Paul’s prohibition against long hair?

Numbers 10:31—If God lead Israel by a cloud then why was Hobab needed as a guide?

Numbers 10:33—Was the Ark placed in the middle of the camp or in front of it?

Numbers 11:8—Did the manna taste like a honey wafer or like fresh oil?

Numbers 11:24—Was the tabernacle outside the camp of Israel or inside it?

Numbers 11:31–34—How could God bring judgment on the people for eating the quail that He provided?

Numbers 12:3—How can this statement have been written by Moses?

Numbers 13:16—How can this passage say that Moses called Hoshea by the name Joshua since he was called Joshua in Exodus 17:9?

Numbers 13:32—How could the ten spies report that the land devoured its inhabitants?

Numbers 14:25—Did the Amalekites live in the mountain or in the valley?

Numbers 14:29—If nearly all the men from twenty years up died in the wilderness, why have none of their graves been discovered?

Numbers 15:24—Are there two kinds of sin offerings, or only one?

Numbers 16:31—Was Korah swallowed by the earth or burned?

Numbers 16:32—Were all Korah’s family killed with him or only some?

Numbers 20:1—Was Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin or in Paran?

Numbers 20:21—How could this verse say that Israel went around Edom when Deuteronomy 2:4 says they passed through it?

Numbers 21:9—Wasn’t making this bronze serpent a form of idolatry?

Numbers 22:33—Why did the angel of the Lord try to kill Balaam, since God had given him permission to go to the plains of Moab?

Numbers 24:7—How could this oracle refer to Agag when he lived much later, in the time of Saul?

Numbers 25:9—Why does this verse say that 24,000 died when 1 Corinthians 10:8 offers a different number?

Numbers 31—How can it be morally right for the Israelites to totally destroy the Midianites?

Numbers 33:44–49—Why is the list of places Israel stopped different here from the ones stated earlier (in Numbers 21)?

Numbers 35:19—Why did God permit avenging blood and yet forbid murder?

Numbers 35:30—Does the need for two witnesses mean that it is wrong to condemn someone on other evidence?


Deuteronomy 1:1—How could Moses have written this when biblical criticism claims it was written many centuries later?

Deuteronomy 1:6ff—How could any from the former generation be present when they all died in the wilderness?

Deuteronomy 1:13—Did Moses appoint the judges or did the people?

Deuteronomy 2:7—Were Israel’s conditions in the wilderness comfortable or destitute?

Deuteronomy 2:10–12—How could this have been written by Moses when it refers to the land of promise which he never entered?

Deuteronomy 2:19—Was the land of Ammon given to Israel or not?

Deuteronomy 4:10–15—Was the law given at Horeb or at Mt. Sinai?

Deuteronomy 5:6–21—How could Moses alter the wording of the Ten Commandments from that which God spoke to him?

Deuteronomy 5:15—Was the Sabbath instituted because of God’s rest from creation or His redemption of Israel from Egypt?

Deuteronomy 8:2—Didn’t God know what Israel would do?

Deuteronomy 9:3—Were the Canaanites destroyed quickly or slowly?

Deuteronomy 10:1–3—When was the Ark made?

Deuteronomy 10:6—Did Aaron die at Moserah, or did he die at the top of Mount Hor?

Deuteronomy 10:8–9—Are priests distinguished from Levites or not?

Deuteronomy 11:25—Isn’t this a false prophecy?

Deuteronomy 12:24—Was the blood poured out as water or covered with dust?

Deuteronomy 14:22ff—Doesn’t this contradict Moses’ other command not to redeem animals with money?

Deuteronomy 14:26—How can this passage permit the use of strong drink when other passages condemn its consumption?

Deuteronomy 15:4—How can this passage say there would be no poor among them when 15:11 says the poor will always be in the land?

Deuteronomy 16:5—Was the passover lamb to be slain at home or at the sanctuary?

Deuteronomy 18:10–22—How can false prophets be distinguished from true prophets?

Deuteronomy 18:15–18—Is this a prophecy about the prophet Mohammed?

Deuteronomy 20:16–18—How can the command for wholesale slaughter of innocent lives be justified?

Deuteronomy 20:16–18—Were the captives to be spared or killed?

Deuteronomy 22:5—Why did God call it an abomination for men to dress like women and vice versa?

Deuteronomy 22:13–21—Why is the method of testing chastity different here than in Numbers 5?

Deuteronomy 23:17—Was homosexuality condemned because it was connected with idolatry?

Deuteronomy 23:19—Why was usury (interest) forbidden only on some but not on all Jews?

Deuteronomy 24:1–4—Is Moses’ teaching on divorce contrary to the teaching of Jesus and Paul?

Deuteronomy 24:16—How can this passage state that children will not be killed for the sins of their parents when there are examples of this in other passages?

Deuteronomy 30:6—Does God circumcise the heart or was Israel to circumcise their own hearts?

Deuteronomy 32:13–14—How could there be sufficient pasture for the herds of 2 million people in a desert?

Deuteronomy 33:2—Is this a prediction of the Prophet Mohammed?

Deuteronomy 34:1ff—How could Moses have written this chapter which records his own death?

Deuteronomy 34:10—Was Moses unparalleled among prophets or were others equal to him?

Deuteronomy 34:10—Does this verse support the Muslim claim that Jesus could not be the predicted prophet (of Deut. 18:18)?


Joshua 2:4–5—How could God bless Rahab for lying?

Joshua 3:17—Did Israel cross the Jordan here or not?

Joshua 6:1ff—Hasn’t archaeology shown that the account of the conquest of Jericho is inaccurate?

Joshua 6:21—How can the total destruction of Jericho be morally justified?

Joshua 7:15, 24—Was God just in punishing Achan’s family along with him?

Joshua 8:30—How can Joshua’s altar on Mount Ebal be justified when the Bible clearly condemns the building of “high places”?

Joshua 9:1ff—Why did Israel honor their contract with the Gibeonites once they discovered they had been deceived?

Joshua 10:12–14—How is it possible for the sun to stand still for a whole day?

Joshua 11:18—Was Canaan conquered quickly or only gradually?

Joshua 12:1–24—Were these kings defeated here or not until later?

Joshua 13:9–12—What was the correct eastern boundary of the Promised Land?

Joshua 18:28—Was Jerusalem in the territory of Benjamin or in Judah?

Joshua 19:2–7—Were these cities in the territory of Judah or of Simeon?

Joshua 23:16—Was God’s promise of the land to Israel conditional or unconditional?

Joshua 24:26—Was the sanctuary originally at Shechem or at Shiloh?


Judges 1:20—Did Caleb kill the sons of Anak or just expel them?

Judges 1:28ff—Were the Canaanites destroyed or merely subjugated?

Judges 3:20–21—Does the Bible approve of assassinations?

Judges 4:21—Does God condone assassinations?

Judges 4:21—Was Sisera lying down when Jael killed him, or was he upright as Judges 5:27 seems to indicate?

Judges 5:6ff—How can Jael be commended for such a cruel act of murder?

Judges 11:26—How long did Israel dwell in Heshbon?

Judges 11:29–40—How could God allow Jephthah to offer his daughter up as a burnt offering?

Judges 14:4—How could God use Samson’s lust after the Philistine girl to accomplish the deliverance of Israel from oppression?

Judges 15:4—How could Samson capture 300 foxes?

Judges 16:26–27—If suicide is wrong, why did God bless Samson for doing it?

Judges 18:30—How could this book have been written in the time or shortly after the time of the judges?


Ruth 3:7—Doesn’t this verse imply that Ruth had intercourse with Boaz after he was drunk in order to obligate him to redeem her?

Ruth 4:3–8—Isn’t the arrangement between Boaz and Ruth contrary to the law of the Levirate marriage?


1 Samuel 1:1—Was Elkanah, the father of Samuel, an Ephraimite or was he a Levite as indicated in 1 Chronicles 6:16–30?

1 Samuel 2:30–31—Did God change His mind?

1 Samuel 3:13—Did Eli correct his sons or not?

1 Samuel 6:19—How could Beth Shemesh have a population of over 50,000 men?

1 Samuel 6:19—Why did God strike the people of Beth Shemesh with such a severe judgment for looking into the Ark?

1 Samuel 7:13—Were the Philistines expelled once and for all, or only temporarily?

1 Samuel 7:15—Did Samuel judge Israel all his days, or only until Saul was anointed king?

1 Samuel 8:7–9—How could God condemn Israel’s request for a king when the rules for selecting a king were given by God in Deuteronomy 17?

1 Samuel 10:1—Does the Scripture give contradictory accounts of the anointing of Saul?

1 Samuel 10:20–21—Was Saul chosen by God, by the people, or by casting a lot?

1 Samuel 13:1—What is the correct number in this verse?

1 Samuel 13:5—How could the Philistines have an army of 30,000 chariots?

1 Samuel 13:12–13—Was Saul rejected by God for offering an unlawful sacrifice (1 Sam. 13:12–13), for disobedience (1 Sam. 28:18), or for consulting the Witch of Endor (1 Chron. 10:13)?

1 Samuel 13:13—How could God have promised Saul a perpetual dynasty over Israel when that had already been prophesied of David?

1 Samuel 15:2–3—Why did God destroy the Amalekites?

1 Samuel 15:11—How can God say that He regretted setting up Saul to be king in Israel?

1 Samuel 16:1ff—Did God encourage Samuel to lie?

1 Samuel 16:9—What is the correct spelling of the name of David’s brother?

1 Samuel 16:10—Did Jesse have eight sons as indicated in this verse, or only seven as indicated in 1 Chronicles 2:13–15?

1 Samuel 17:50—Why does this verse say David killed Goliath when 2 Samuel 21:19 says Elhanan killed Goliath?

1 Samuel 17:57–58—Why did Saul not recognize his harp player David as the one who killed Goliath?

1 Samuel 18:1–4—Were David and Jonathan homosexuals?

1 Samuel 18:10—How could a good God send an evil spirit to Saul?

1 Samuel 19:23–24—How could it be said that the Spirit of God was upon Saul when God had already rejected him?

1 Samuel 19:24—Why did Saul strip off his clothes as he danced and prophesied before Samuel?

1 Samuel 21:9—Was Goliath’s armor kept in David’s tent or in Nob?

1 Samuel 28:7ff—How could God allow the Witch of Endor to raise Samuel from the dead when God condemned witchcraft?

1 Samuel 31:4—Was Saul’s suicide justifiable?


2 Samuel 2:10—How could Ishbosheth have reigned only two years when 2 Samuel 5:5 says David reigned for seven and one half years?

2 Samuel 8:4—Did David capture 1,700 horsemen or 7,000 as 1 Chronicles 18:4 says?

2 Samuel 8:18—How could David’s sons be priests when they were not Levites?

2 Samuel 12:15–23—How could a loving God take the life of David’s child because of the sin of David?

2 Samuel 12:21–23—Should we pray for the dead?

2 Samuel 12:23—Do those who die in infancy go to heaven?

2 Samuel 12:31—How can we justify David’s cruelty to his enemies?

2 Samuel 14:27—Why does this passage say Absalom had three sons when 2 Samuel 18:18 says he had none?

2 Samuel 18:6—Was the land of Ephraim west or east of Jordan?

2 Samuel 18:17—Was Absalom buried in the forest of Ephraim or in the Kidron Valley?

2 Samuel 23:11—Was this a field of barley or lentils?

2 Samuel 24:1—How can this passage claim that God moved David to number Israel when 1 Chronicles 21:1 claims that it was Satan?

2 Samuel 24:9—Why do the numbers of men recorded in 2 Samuel 24:9 and in 1 Chronicles 21:5–6 disagree?

2 Samuel 24:13—Why are the numbers of the years of the famine different from those in 1 Chronicles 21?

2 Samuel 24:14—Is it fearful to fall into the hands of God?

2 Samuel 24:24—Why does this passage say that David paid Araunah 50 shekels of silver when elsewhere it says he paid 600 shekels of gold?


1 Kings 4:26—How can this verse say Solomon had 40,000 stalls when 2 Chronicles 9:25 says he had only 4,000 stalls?

1 Kings 6:1—How can this be an accurate calculation if Ramses the Great was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?

1 Kings 7:23—Doesn’t the calculation in this verse represent an inaccurate value of pi?

1 Kings 9:22—How can this verse claim that Solomon did not make forced laborers of the Israelites when 1 Kings 5:13 says he did?

1 Kings 11:1—How could God allow Solomon to have so many wives when he condemns polygamy?

1 Kings 11:4—In light of David’s sin with Bathsheba, how could this passage say his heart was loyal to the Lord?

1 Kings 12:25—Was Jeroboam’s residence in Shechem or at Tirzah?

1 Kings 15:5—Is this the only sin David committed?

1 Kings 15:14—Did Asa destroy the high places or leave them standing?

1 Kings 18:27—Why was Elijah blessed for ridiculing the prophets of Baal when the Bible urges us to use kind words to our enemies?

1 Kings 18:32–35—Where did Elijah get all the water if there had been a drought for three years?

1 Kings 18:40—Wasn’t killing too severe a punishment for the prophets of Baal?

1 Kings 21:19—How could the prophecy of this verse claim to be fulfilled in the events recorded in 1 Kings 22:37–38?

1 Kings 22:22—How could God use “lying spirits” to do His will since He forbids lying?

1 Kings 22:49—How can this verse say that Jehoshaphat refused Ahaziah’s request when 2 Chronicles says they worked together?


2 Kings 1:17—When did Jehoram son of Ahab begin his reign as king of Israel?

2 Kings 2:23–24—How could a man of God curse these 42 young men so that they were mauled by she-bears?

2 Kings 3:18–19—Didn’t Israel violate the law of warfare by destroying fruit trees?

2 Kings 6:19—Didn’t Elisha lie to the Syrian troops who were coming to capture him?

2 Kings 8:25—Did Ahaziah become king in the twelfth year of Jehoram or in the eleventh year of Jehoram?

2 Kings 8:26—Was Ahaziah 22 years old when he began to reign in Judah, or was he 42 years old?

2 Kings 9:7—How could God condemn Jehu for bloodshed when God had commanded him to exterminate the house of Ahab?

2 Kings 10:13–14—Were Ahaziah’s brothers slain or were they his brother’s sons?

2 Kings 14:3, 7—Why is Amaziah commended for abhorring Edomites when God said not to do so?

2 Kings 14:29—Are the dead asleep or conscious?

2 Kings 15:27—How can this verse say Pekah ruled over Samaria for 20 years when he took Samaria 8 years before the end of his reign?

2 Kings 17:4—How can this verse mention a king of Egypt named “So” when there are no records of such a king?

2 Kings 17:41—How could the nations fear the true God and serve false gods?

2 Kings 18:13—How can this verse say that Sennacherib invaded Judah in the fourteenth year of Hezekiah?

2 Kings 20:11—How could the shadow retreat by ten degrees on the stairway of Ahaz?

2 Kings 20:12–15—How can these verses speak of the visitors from Berodach-Baladan as coming after the invasion of Sennacherib?

2 Kings 23:30—Did Josiah die at Megiddo or at Jerusalem?

2 Kings 24:6—Did Jehoiakim die in Jerusalem, as this passage suggests, or did he die in Babylon, as 2 Chronicles 36:6 implies?

2 Kings 24:8—How old was Jehoiachin when he became king?


1 Chronicles 1:32—Why does 1 Chronicles 1:32 call Keturah Abraham’s concubine, while Genesis 25:1 calls her his wife?

1 Chronicles 2:18—Was Caleb’s father Hezron, Hur, or Jephunneh?

1 Chronicles 3:19—What is the correct genealogical relationship of Pedaiah, Shealtiel, and Zerubbabel?

1 Chronicles 5:22—How could the God of peace conduct war?

1 Chronicles 6:16–23—Was Elkanah, the father of Samuel, a Levite, or was he an Ephraimite as 1 Samuel 1:1 indicates?

1 Chronicles 8:33—Was Ner the father of Kish or the son of Abiel?

1 Chronicles 9:1—What happened to the missing “Book of Kings”?

1 Chronicles 10:6—Did all of Saul’s family die with him or not?

1 Chronicles 10:14—Did Saul inquire of the Lord or not?

1 Chronicles 21:1—How can this passage claim that Satan moved David to number Israel when 2 Samuel 24:1 claims that God did?

1 Chronicles 22:14—How could David have given 100,000 talents of gold when 1 Chronicles 29:4 says he gave only 3,000 talents?


2 Chronicles 7:8–10—Why did Solomon fail to keep the fast as the law commanded?

2 Chronicles 7:12ff—Does God dwell in a chosen temple?

2 Chronicles 9:21—Did Solomon’s ships get gold from Tarshish or from Ophir?

2 Chronicles 9:25—How can this verse say Solomon had 4,000 stalls when 1 Kings 4:26 says he had 40,000 stalls?

2 Chronicles 13:4–22—Was Abijah a wicked or a righteous king?

2 Chronicles 14:9—How can this verse make reference to Zerah the Ethiopian, when there are no historical records of such a person?

2 Chronicles 16:1—How can this verse say Baasha king of Israel built Ramah in the thirty-sixth year of the reign of Asa?

2 Chronicles 21:12—How could Elijah have sent a letter long after his departure into heaven?

2 Chronicles 22:1—Were Jehoram’s sons taken captive or were they killed?

2 Chronicles 22:8—Were Ahaziah’s brothers slain or were they his brother’s sons?

2 Chronicles 28:24—Did Ahaz encourage or oppose worship in the Jerusalem temple?

2 Chronicles 33:10–17—Why is the repentance of Manasseh recorded here, but no mention is made of it in 2 Kings?

2 Chronicles 34:3–5—If Josiah demolished idolatry, then why does it say Manasseh did it earlier?

2 Chronicles 36:6—Was Jehoiakim carried to Babylon or did he die in Jerusalem?


Ezra 1:8—Who is Sheshbazzar?

Ezra 2:1ff—Why are many of the numbers in Ezra’s list of those who returned to Jerusalem different from those in Nehemiah 7?

Ezra 3:10—How could the rebuilding have begun during the reign of Cyrus when Ezra 4:24 says it was in the reign of Darius I?

Ezra 4:23—How could foreign influence have caused the work to cease when Haggai 1:2 blames it on the indifference of the leaders?

Ezra 10:10–44—Why did God command Israelite men to put away their unbelieving wives, but Paul said not to do so?


Nehemiah 2:19—Why is Nehemiah’s adversary named Geshem here and Gashmu in Nehemiah 6:6?

Nehemiah 7:1ff—Why are many of the numbers in Nehemiah’s list of those who returned to Jerusalem different from those in Ezra 2:1ff?

Nehemiah 7:32—If Ai was destroyed earlier, why is it still inhabited here?

Nehemiah 8:17—Was this feast not celebrated since Joshua’s time or was it celebrated later by Zerubbabel?


Esther—How could this book be part of the Holy Scriptures when God is not even mentioned?

Esther 2:1–18—How could Esther participate in a pagan beauty contest?

Esther 4:16—Didn’t Esther disobey human government which God had ordained?


Job 1:1—If all are sinners, then how can Job be perfect?

Job 1:1—Was Job a real historical person?

Job 1:5—Why does Job offer a burnt offering for his sons if they had blessed God?

Job 1:6—How can Satan come before God when he was dismissed from heaven?

Job 1:6—Who are the sons of God mentioned in this verse?

Job 1:20–21—Does this verse teach reincarnation?

Job 5:13—Why does Paul quote these words of Eliphaz if Eliphaz was rebuked by God in Job 42:7 for what he said?

Job 7:9—Does this verse contradict the Bible’s teaching about resurrection?

Job 11:7—Can God be known by humans?

Job 14:12—Does this contradict the Bible’s teaching on the resurrection?

Job 19:17—How could Job have children here when they were all killed earlier?

Job 19:26—Does this verse indicate that the resurrection body will be a body of flesh?

Job 37:18—Does the Bible err in speaking of a solid dome above the earth?

Job 41:1—Does this passage make reference to the mythological figure Leviathan?


Psalm 1:2—Should Christians meditate, or is this a Buddhist practice?

Psalm 3:1—How could David have written this Psalm when critics insist that most Psalms were not completed until much later?

Psalm 5:5—How can this verse say God hates the wicked when John 3:16 says that God loves the world?

Psalm 10:1—Is God approachable or unapproachable?

Psalm 11:5—How can this verse say God hates some people when John 3:16 says God loves everyone?

Psalm 24:2—Is the earth founded upon the seas or on nothing?

Psalm 30—Why does the subtitle to Psalm 30 make reference to the dedication of the house of David when the psalm says nothing about it?

Psalm 34—Why does the subtitle of this Psalm have the name Abimelech when the name should be Achish?

Psalm 37:9, 34—When the wicked are cut off, are they annihilated?

Psalm 37:25—Do the righteous ever beg bread?

Psalm 44:23—Does God sleep?

Psalm 45:3–5—Is this a prediction of Mohammed?

Psalm 51:5—Was man brought forth in iniquity or made upright?

Psalm 51:5—Does this verse support the position that an unborn fetus is only a potential human being?

Psalm 51:16—Did David disavow the sacrificial system of Moses?

Psalm 53:5—Doesn’t this verse contradict itself?

Psalm 58:3—How can an innocent child be wicked from the womb?

Psalm 73:20—How can this verse talk about God awakening when Psalm 121:3 states that God never sleeps?

Psalm 88:11—Do the dead have remembrance of anything?

Psalm 97:7—Doesn’t this verse imply there are many gods?

Psalm 104:5—Will the earth abide forever or will it be destroyed?

Psalm 109:1ff—How can the God of love in the NT be reconciled with the vengeful God of these cursing Psalms?

Psalm 115:17—Can the dead praise God or are they unconscious?

Psalm 119:110—Is it true that David never erred from God’s precepts or did he go astray from them?

Psalm 137:9—How could the Psalmist rejoice at the thought of little ones being dashed against rocks?

Psalm 139:13–16—Can it be inferred from this verse that the Bible considers abortion to be murder?


Proverbs 1:1—How could Solomon’s writings be part of the Scripture since 1 Kings 11:6 said Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord?

Proverbs 8:22–31—Who is referred to as “wisdom” in these verses?

Proverbs 11:31—Are the righteous rewarded in this life or in the next one?

Proverbs 12:21—Does God always spare the godly from grave trouble?

Proverbs 13:22—Are believers obligated to leave an inheritance to their children?

Proverbs 16:4—Does God make people to be doomed?

Proverbs 22–24—Wasn’t this section of Proverbs copied from the Egyptian work titled “The Wisdom of Amenemope?

Proverbs 22:6—How can this verse be true when experience teaches us that often children abandon the principles of their training?

Proverbs 24:11—Does this verse justify breaking the law to stop abortions?

Proverbs 25:1—How can Solomon be the author of Proverbs when Hezekiah’s men copied them?

Proverbs 26:4–5—How can contradictory commands both be true?

Proverbs 27:22—Is foolishness correctable?

Proverbs 28:13—Is it right to cover sins or not?

Proverbs 30:30—If the fear of man is on all beasts, why do lions not fear humans?

Proverbs 31:6—Does this verse encourage drinking strong alcoholic beverages?


Ecclesiastes 1:1—If this book is inspired, why isn’t it quoted in the NT?

Ecclesiastes 1:2—How can this book be part of the Scriptures since it contains such skepticism?

Ecclesiastes 1:9–10—Isn’t it false to claim there is nothing new under the sun?

Ecclesiastes 1:18—Is wisdom the source of happiness, or the means of sorrow?

Ecclesiastes 2:2—Is laughter good or bad?

Ecclesiastes 2:24—Is Solomon commending hedonism here?

Ecclesiastes 3:19—Is man’s fate the same as that of animals?

Ecclesiastes 3:20—If all return to dust, how can there be a resurrection?

Ecclesiastes 3:20–21—If there is life after death, why does Solomon declare that man has no advantage over the beasts?

Ecclesiastes 7:16—How is it possible to be too righteous?

Ecclesiastes 8:12—Are the lives of the wicked prolonged or shortened?

Ecclesiastes 9:5—Do the dead remember anything?

Ecclesiastes 11:9—Should a young man follow his own way or God’s way?


Song of Solomon 1:1—How did a sensual book like this get in the Bible?

Song of Solomon 1:2—Why do so many people who claim to interpret the Bible literally, spiritualize the Song of Solomon?

Song of Solomon 6:8—Why are Solomon’s wives and concubines listed as 140 when he had 1,000?


Isaiah 1:1—Hasn’t it been shown that Isaiah is actually two or more books, and that it was not all written by one Isaiah in the 8th century b.c.?

Isaiah 1:11–13—Did the prophet Isaiah disavow the sacrificial system of Moses?

Isaiah 7:14—Is this verse a prophecy about the virgin birth of Jesus Christ?

Isaiah 9:6—Why is Jesus called “the everlasting Father” if He is the Son of God?

Isaiah 14:12—Who is Lucifer in this verse?

Isaiah 21:7—Does this passage predict the coming of Mohammed?

Isaiah 26:14—Does this contradict the Bible’s teaching on the resurrection?

Isaiah 30:26—Will the light of the sun and moon be increased or decreased in the future kingdom?

Isaiah 40:5—Will the wicked behold God’s glory?

Isaiah 40:25—If nothing is like God, then how can humans be in the image of God?

Isaiah 44:28—How could Isaiah talk in such specific terms about a king that would not exist for some 200 years?

Isaiah 45:7—Is God the author of evil?

Isaiah 53:3—Was Jesus despised by men or respected by them?

Isaiah 56:3—Did Isaiah predict there would be homosexuals in the kingdom?

Isaiah 57:15—Does God dwell in eternity or with men?


Jeremiah 1:5—Does Jeremiah teach reincarnation in this verse?

Jeremiah 2:22—Were Israel’s sins eradicable or not?

Jeremiah 6:20—Do the later prophets disavow the earlier sacrificial system of Moses?

Jeremiah 12:1—Do the wicked prosper or not?

Jeremiah 15:6—Can God repent?

Jeremiah 20:7—Did God deceive Jeremiah?

Jeremiah 22:30—Was Jehoiachin childless or did he have heirs?

Jeremiah 27:1—Is this passage about Jehoiakim or Zedekiah?

Jeremiah 32:31—Did God delight in Zion (Jerusalem) or did it provoke His anger?

Jeremiah 34:3—Did Zedekiah see the King of Babylon or not?

Jeremiah 36:28—How can this book be inspired if the original manuscript of Jeremiah perished?

Jeremiah 36:30—How can this verse say that Jehoiakim shall have no one to sit on the throne when his son reigned after him?

Jeremiah 43:8–13—How can these verses talk about the invasion of Nebuchadnezzar when there is no evidence that it ever happened?

Jeremiah 46:2—Does this date of the defeat of the Egyptian armies by Nebuchadnezzar contradict the date given in Daniel 1:1?


Lamentations 3:22—Is God compassionate or ferocious?


Ezekiel 1:5–28—Is this a manifestation of UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence?

Ezekiel 14:9—Did God deceive these false prophets?

Ezekiel 16:47—Did Israel imitate the heathen or not?

Ezekiel 16:49—Was the sin of Sodom selfishness rather than homosexuality?

Ezekiel 18:20—Does God ever punish one person for another’s sin?

Ezekiel 18:32—Does God rejoice over the sinner’s doom?

Ezekiel 20:25—Are God’s statutes evil?

Ezekiel 26:3–14—How can Ezekiel’s prophecies be included in Scripture if they are wrong about Nebuchadnezzar?

Ezekiel 28:1—Who is the prince of Tyre?

Ezekiel 29:17–20—Does Ezekiel prophesy about an invasion of Egypt by Nebuchadnezzar which never actually took place?

Ezekiel 40–48—How can these prophecies be understood literally when the NT declares that the sacrificial system has been abolished by Christ’s death?


Daniel 1:1a—Wasn’t the Book of Daniel actually written after about 170 b.c.?

Daniel 1:1b—Is the date given here of Nebuchadnezzar’s invasion in contradiction to the date given in Jeremiah 46:2?

Daniel 2:2—Why does Daniel refer to the Chaldeans as a group of wise men here when he refers to them as an ethnic group in 5:30?

Daniel 3:12—If Daniel was faithful to God, why did he not refuse to bow to this idol too?

Daniel 5:1—How can Daniel say the last king of Babylon was Belshazzar when history records that it was Nabonidus?

Daniel 5:31—How can the Book of Daniel be inspired if it makes reference to a man that modern scholarship says never existed?

Daniel 10:1—Did Daniel continue until the first year of Cyrus or the third year of his reign?

Daniel 12:2—Will the resurrection be partial or universal?


Hosea 1:2—How could a holy God who condemns harlotry command Hosea to marry a harlot?

Hosea 6:6—Do the prophets disavow the sacrificial system of Moses?

Hosea 8:13—How can this verse say that Ephraim will return to Egypt when 11:5 says that Ephraim will not return there?


Joel 3:6—How could Joel mention the Greeks if his book was written before the 4th century b.c.?

Joel 3:12—Does God sit or stand to judge?


Amos 8:11—What does Amos mean when he says there will be a famine of hearing the words of the Lord?

Amos 8:14—Does this contradict the Bible’s teaching on the resurrection?


Obadiah—If the Book of Obadiah is inspired Scripture, then why is it not quoted in the NT?

Obadiah—Is the prophecy of Obadiah simply an expression of Jewish nationalism?


Jonah 1:1—Is the Book of Jonah fact or fiction?

Jonah 3:3—Is Jonah’s testimony to the size of Nineveh accurate?

Jonah 3:6—Why does Jonah refer to the king of Assyria simply as the king of Nineveh?


Micah 3:4—Does God ever withhold His blessing from those who cry out for it?


Nahum 1:2—Does God get angry?


Habakkuk 3:3—If God is everywhere, then how could He “come from Teman”?

Habakkuk 3:3—Is this a prediction of the Prophet Mohammed?


Zephaniah 1:1—Hasn’t it been demonstrated that Zephaniah is actually composed of two books with different messages?


Haggai 1:2—How could the indifference of the leaders have caused the work to cease when Ezra 4:23 blames foreign influence?

Haggai 2:15—Why does this verse imply that the building of the temple began in 520 b.c.?


Zechariah 11:12–13—How can these verses be part of Zechariah when Matthew 27:9 says they belong to the Book of Jeremiah?


Malachi 1:3—If God is love, how could He hate any person?


Matthew 1:8—Is Joram the father of Uzziah or of Ahaziah?

Matthew 1:9—Did Matthew make a mistake concerning the father of Jotham?

Matthew 1:17—How many generations were listed between the captivity and Christ, 14 or 13?

Matthew 2:2—Why does the Bible commend the Magi for following the star, when it condemns astrology?

Matthew 2:6—How can we explain Matthew’s apparent misquotation of Micah 5:2?

Matthew 2:23—Didn’t Matthew make a mistake by claiming a prophecy that is not found in the OT?

Matthew 4:5–10 (cf. Luke 4:5–12)—Is there a mistake in recording the wilderness temptation of Christ by Matthew or Luke?

Matthew 4:14–16—Why does Matthew incorrectly quote Isaiah?

Matthew 5:14—Are believers the light of the world, or is Jesus?

Matthew 5:17–18—Did Jesus come to do away with the Law of Moses?

Matthew 5:29—Is hell the grave or a place of conscious torment?

Matthew 5:33–37—Did Jesus condemn all oath taking, even in court?

Matthew 5:42—Should believers literally give anything to anyone who asks?

Matthew 5:43—Why did the OT prescribe that one could hate his enemies?

Matthew 6:6—If Jesus said prayer should be in private, why does the Bible commend public prayer?

Matthew 6:13—Why should we pray that God would not lead us into temptation when God cannot tempt anyone?

Matthew 8:5–13 (cf. Luke 7:2–10)—Is there a mistake in the accounts concerning Jesus and the centurion?

Matthew 8:12—Is hell a place of darkness, or is there light there?

Matthew 8:22 (cf. Luke 9:60)—Wasn’t it absurd for Jesus to tell the dead to bury their own dead?

Matthew 8:28–34 (cf. Mark 5:1–20; Luke 8:26–39)—Where were the demoniacs healed?

Matthew 8:28–34 (cf. Mark 5:1–20; Luke 8:26–39)—How many demoniacs were healed?

Matthew 10:5–6—Did Jesus come only for Jews or also for Gentiles?

Matthew 10:10 (cf. Mark 6:8)—Did Jesus command that the disciples take a staff or not?

Matthew 10:23—Did Jesus promise to return to earth during the lifetime of the disciples?

Matthew 10:34–36—Did Jesus come to bring peace or war?

Matthew 11:12—How can God’s sovereign and peaceful kingdom be entered by force?

Matthew 11:14—Didn’t Jesus say John the Baptist was Elijah reincarnated?

Matthew 11:28–30—Is Jesus’ yoke easy or hard?

Matthew 12:1–5—Did Jesus’ disciples break the Jewish Sabbath law?

Matthew 12:40 (cf. John 19:14)—If Jesus was crucified on Friday, how could He have been in the grave three days and nights?

Matthew 13:12—Is God unfair in giving to those who have?

Matthew 13:31–32—Did Jesus make a mistake when referring to the mustard seed as the smallest of all seeds?

Matthew 13:34—Did Jesus always speak in parables or not?

Matthew 13:45—Was Mary a perpetual virgin, or did she have other children after Jesus’ virgin birth?

Matthew 16:16—Why does Peter’s confession here differ from that recorded in Mark and Luke?

Matthew 16:18—Is Peter the rock on which the church is built?

Matthew 16:20—Why did Jesus instruct His disciples to tell no one He was the Christ?

Matthew 16:28—Did Jesus make a mistake about His disciples seeing the kingdom come in their lifetimes?

Matthew 19:16–30 (cf. Mark 10:17–31; Luke 18:18–30)—If Jesus was God, why did He seem to rebuke the rich young ruler for calling Him good?

Matthew 19:21—Should Christians sell all they have and give it away?

Matthew 19:26—Is anything impossible for God?

Matthew 20:1ff—Are rewards the same for all, or do they differ in degree?

Matthew 20:20 (cf. Mark 10:35)—Who came to talk with Jesus, the mother of James and John or James and John?

Matthew 20:29–34 (cf. Mark 10:46–52; Luke 18:35–43)—Did Jesus heal two blind men or just one?

Matthew 20:29–34 (cf. Mark 10:46–52; Luke 18:35–43)—Did Jesus heal the blind man coming into or going out of Jericho?

Matthew 21:2 (cf. Mark 11:2; Luke 19:30)—Were there two donkeys involved in the triumphal entry or just one?

Matthew 21:12–19 (cf. Mark 11:12–14, 20–24)—When was the fig tree cursed by Jesus, before or after the temple was cleansed?

Matthew 22:30—Will we be like angels (spirits) in heaven, beings without physical bodies?

Matthew 22:39—Does Jesus want us to love ourself first or others?

Matthew 23:9–10—Is it wrong to call others our father?

Matthew 23:17—Why did Jesus call people fools and yet condemn others for doing the same thing?

Matthew 23:34–35—Did Jesus make a mistake in referring to Zechariah the son of Jehoiada rather than to Zechariah the son of Berechiah?

Matthew 24:29—Did Christ come to earth immediately following the Tribulation or sometime later?

Matthew 24:34—Did Jesus err by affirming that the signs of the end time would be fulfilled in His era?

Matthew 26:11—Was Jesus always present with His disciples?

Matthew 26:34 (cf. Mark 14:30)—When Peter denied Christ, did the rooster crow once or twice?

Matthew 26:52—Is Jesus advocating pacifism and denouncing capital punishment in this passage?

Matthew 27:5 (cf. Acts 1:18)—Did Judas die by hanging or by falling on rocks?

Matthew 27:37 (cf. Mark 15:26; Luke 23:38; John 19:19)—Why are all the Gospel accounts of the inscription on the cross different?

Matthew 27:44—Did both robbers revile Christ, or did only one do this?

Matthew 27:48—Did Jesus die on the cross or just swoon?

Matthew 27:54 (cf. Mark 15:39; Luke 23:47)—What did the centurion really say about Christ on the cross?

Matthew 28:5—Why does Matthew say there was only one angel at the tomb when John says there were two?

Matthew 28:9—To whom did Christ appear first, the women or His disciples?

Matthew 28:18–20—How can three persons be God when there is only one God?


Mark 1:1—Why does Mark omit giving any genealogy of Jesus like Matthew and Luke do?

Mark 1:2—How can Mark’s misquotation of this OT prophecy be justified?

Mark 2:26—Was Jesus wrong when He mentioned Abiathar as high priest instead of Ahimelech?

Mark 5:1–20—How many demoniacs were there?

Mark 6:5—If Jesus is God, why couldn’t He do mighty works here?

Mark 6:8—Did Jesus command the disciples to take a staff or not?

Mark 8:11–12—Did Jesus contradict Himself by saying there would be no sign given (cf. Matt. 12:38–39)?

Mark 9:48—Why did Jesus say worms would not die in hell?

Mark 10:17–31—Did Jesus deny He was God to the rich young ruler?

Mark 10:35—Who came to talk with Jesus, the mother of James and John or James and John?

Mark 10:46–52—Did Jesus heal two blind men or just one?

Mark 11:2—Were there two donkeys involved in the triumphal entry or just one?

Mark 11:12–14, 20–24—When was the fig tree cursed by Jesus?

Mark 11:23–24—Did Jesus promise to give literally anything we ask in faith?

Mark 13:32—Was Jesus ignorant of the time of His second coming?

Mark 14:12ff—Did Jesus institute the Lord’s Supper on the day of the Passover or the day before?

Mark 14:30—When Peter denied Christ, how many times did the rooster crow, once or twice?

Mark 15:25 (cf. John 19:14)—Was Jesus crucified in the third hour or the sixth hour?

Mark 15:26—Why is the inscription on the cross different in all the Gospels?

Mark 15:39—What did the centurion actually say about Jesus on the cross?

Mark 16:2—Was Mary at the tomb before sunrise or after?

Mark 16:8—Did the women tell of their experience at the tomb or not?

Mark 16:9–20—Why is this passage of Scripture omitted in some Bibles?

Mark 16:12—Did Jesus appear in different bodies after His resurrection?


Luke 1:26ff—Was the announcement of the birth of Christ made to Mary or to Joseph?

Luke 1:27—How could Elizabeth be related to Mary when she was from the tribe of Aaron?

Luke 1:28ff—Should Christians worship Mary?

Luke 1:46—Was Mary born sinless as Roman Catholics claim?

Luke 2:1—Did Luke make a mistake when he mentioned a worldwide census under Caesar Augustus?

Luke 2:2—Why does Luke say the census was during Quirinius’ governorship since Quirinius was not governor until a.d. 6?

Luke 3:23—Why does Luke present a different ancestral tree for Jesus than the one in Matthew?

Luke 4:1–13—Is there a mistake in the temptation of Jesus recorded by Matthew and Luke?

Luke 4:19—Why does Jesus not quote this passage accurately?

Luke 6:17—Why does Luke say Jesus gave this sermon on a level place when Matthew declares it was given on the mountain?

Luke 6:17—Why does Luke say Jesus stood to teach them when Matthew declares that He sat to teach them?

Luke 6:20 (cf. MATT. 5:3)—Why does Luke’s version of the Beatitudes differ from those in Matthew?

Luke 6:26—Is a good name a blessing or a curse?

Luke 7:2–10—Is there a mistake in the accounts concerning Jesus and the centurion?

Luke 8:26–39—How many demoniacs were there?

Luke 9:50—Did Jesus contradict Himself when He referred to those who are for Him (cf. Luke 11:23)?

Luke 9:52–53—Did the Samaritans receive Christ or reject Him?

Luke 9:60—How can the dead bury their own dead?

Luke 10:23—Are those who see blessed, or those who do not see?

Luke 13:24—Do all seekers find God?

Luke 16:31—Do miracles prove Jesus’ divine mission?

Luke 18:1ff—Should prayer be continuous or brief?

Luke 18:18–30—If Jesus is God, why did He rebuke the young ruler for calling Him good?

Luke 18:35–43—Did Jesus heal two blind men or just one?

Luke 19:30—Were there two donkeys involved in the triumphal entry or just one?

Luke 22:19—What did Jesus mean when He said “This is My body”?

Luke 23:38—What did the sign on the cross really say?

Luke 23:43—Did Christ err when He told the thief on the cross that he would be in paradise the day Christ died?

Luke 23:47—Is the remark of the centurion about Jesus accurately recorded?

Luke 24:23—Were Jesus’ resurrection appearances physical or mere visions?

Luke 24:31a—Did Jesus dematerialize when He suddenly disappeared from the disciples after an appearance?

Luke 24:31b—If Jesus had the same physical body after His resurrection, why did His disciples not recognize Him?

Luke 24:34—Was Jesus invisible to mortal eyes before and after He appeared?

Luke 24:44—Was the OT divided by the Jews of Jesus’ day into two or three parts?

Luke 24:49—Why did the disciples go to Galilee when Jesus commanded them to stay in Jerusalem?

Luke 24:50–51—Did Jesus ascend from Bethany or from the Mountain of Olives near Jerusalem?


John 1:1—Is Jesus God or just a god?

John 1:18—Why does John say no one has seen God when other verses declare we will see God?

John 1:18—Was Jesus alone the Son of God?

John 1:33—Did John the Baptist know Jesus before His baptism or not?

John 1:37–49—Were the apostles called at this time or later?

John 3:3—Does being “born again” indicate that Jesus taught reincarnation?

John 3:5—Does this verse teach baptismal regeneration?

John 3:13—How could Christ say no one has ascended to heaven when Elijah had?

John 3:17—Did Jesus come to judge the world or not?

John 4:26—Why did Jesus confess He was the Messiah here, but avoid doing it elsewhere?

John 5:28–29—Is Jesus advocating salvation by works?

John 5:31—Was Jesus’ self-testimony true or false?

John 5:34—Did Jesus accept human testimony about who He was?

John 5:37—Can God’s voice be heard?

John 6:35—Why are the “I AM” statements of Jesus only mentioned in John?

John 6:53–54—What did Jesus mean when He said we should eat His flesh?

John 7:1—Why did Jesus fear death and yet tell His disciples not to do so?

John 7:8—Did Jesus lie to His brothers?

John 7:53–8:11—Why do some scholars question whether this story should be in the Bible?

John 8:3–11 (cf. Rom. 13:4)—Did Jesus repudiate capital punishment in this text?

John 9:31—Does God hear the prayers of sinners?

John 10:11—Is Jesus the shepherd or a sheep?

John 10:11—Did Jesus die just for His friends or for His enemies too?

John 10:30—Was Christ one with the Father?

John 10:34—Did Jesus advocate that man could become God?

John 11:4—Did Jesus make a mistake when He said Lazarus’ sickness was not unto death?

John 11:26—How could Jesus say we will never die when the Bible declares all will eventually die?

John 11:44—How could Lazarus come forth from the tomb if he was bound hand and foot?

John 14:2–3—Was heaven prepared from eternity or is Jesus still preparing it?

John 14:16—Are Muslims right in referring this promise of the coming “helper” to Mohammed?

John 14:28—Did Jesus think of Himself as less than God?

John 15:1—Was Jesus the vine or the root?

John 16:12—Did Jesus reveal everything to His disciples or hold back some things?

John 17:9—Did Jesus ever pray for unbelievers?

John 18:31—Was it lawful for the Jews to exercise capital punishment?

John 19:14—Was Jesus crucified on Friday?

John 19:14—What time was Jesus placed on the cross?

John 19:19—What did the sign on the cross really say?

John 20:17—If Jesus had not yet ascended to the Father, how could He have committed His Spirit to the Father?

John 20:19—How could Jesus walk through a closed door with a physical body?

John 20:22—Was the Holy Spirit given to the disciples before Pentecost?

John 20:22–23—Does this passage support the Roman Catholic view that priests have the power to forgive sins?


Acts 1:18—In what way did Judas die?

Acts 2:16–21—Did Peter make a mistake in quoting Joel?

Acts 2:34—Is David in heaven or not?

Acts 2:38—Did Peter declare that baptism was necessary for salvation?

Acts 2:44–45—Did early Christians practice communism?

Acts 3:21—Will all things be restored to God or just some things?

Acts 4:12—Is Christ the only way of salvation?

Acts 4:34–35—Did early Christians practice communism?

Acts 5:31—Is repentance a gift of God or an act of man?

Acts 5:36–37—Does Luke make a mistake concerning Theudas and Judas?

Acts 7:14—Why does this text say “seventy-five people” when Exodus 1:5 says there were “seventy persons”?

Acts 15:20—Does this passage indicate that it is a sin to receive a blood transfusion?

Acts 16:1–3—Why did Paul have Timothy circumcised when he himself spoke so strongly against it?

Acts 16:6—Why did the Holy Spirit forbid Paul to preach in Asia when Jesus said to go into all the world?

Acts 17:28—Why did Paul quote an uninspired pagan poet?

Acts 20:9–10—How could Eutycus be dead if he had life in him?

Acts 23:5—Did Paul lie when he said he didn’t know the high priest?


Romans 1:19–20—Are the heathen lost?

Romans 1:26—Does this verse mean that homosexuals should not be heterosexual because it is unnatural to them?

Romans 2:7—Is immortality acquired or possessed?

Romans 2:14–15—How can those who are by nature sinners keep God’s laws of nature?

Romans 5:12—Does this statement imply that we were only potential humans before we were born, not actual human beings?

Romans 5:14—Is it fair to judge all people because of Adam’s sin?

Romans 5:19—If all are made righteous by Christ why aren’t all saved?

Romans 8:3—Was Jesus actually in human flesh or only in its likeness?

Romans 8:26—Is the Holy Spirit our mediator or is Christ?

Romans 8:30—Are all the called ones saved or only some?

Romans 9:13—How can God hate Esau when He is a God of love?

Romans 9:17—How can Pharaoh be free if God hardened his heart?

Romans 10:5—Does keeping the law bring life?

Romans 11:26–27—How can there be a future for the nation of Israel since they rejected the Messiah?


1 Corinthians 1:17—Did Paul oppose water baptism?

1 Corinthians 2:8—How could Paul say the rulers of this world did not know Christ, when Christ came before them at His trial?

1 Corinthians 3:11—Who is the foundation of the church, Christ or the apostles?

1 Corinthians 3:13–15—Does this passage support the Roman Catholic view of purgatory?

1 Corinthians 3:19—How could Paul consider the words of Eliphaz inspired when God rebuked Eliphaz for saying them to Job?

1 Corinthians 5:9—If Paul wrote an inspired epistle, how could God allow it to be lost?

1 Corinthians 6:2–3—How will the saints judge the world and angels?

1 Corinthians 6:9—Was Paul’s condemnation of homosexuality merely his private opinion?

1 Corinthians 6:9—Was Paul against all homosexual acts or only offensive ones?

1 Corinthians 6:13—If God is going to destroy the body, then how can it be resurrected?

1 Corinthians 7:10–16—Does Paul contradict what Jesus said about divorce?

1 Corinthians 7:12 (cf. 7:40)—How can Paul’s words be inspired if he says he is merely giving his own opinion?

1 Corinthians 8:4—If idols are nothing, why does God condemn idolatry?

1 Corinthians 9:24—Does Paul encourage or discourage running to obtain a spiritual goal?

1 Corinthians 10:8—Does Paul make a mistake in quoting how many people died?

1 Corinthians 11:5—Should women wear veils when they pray?

1 Corinthians 11:14—How can nature teach that long hair is wrong for a man when length of hair is culturally relative?

1 Corinthians 12:31—If coveting is wrong, why does Paul encourage coveting the best gifts?

1 Corinthians 15:5–8—Did Jesus only appear to believers?

1 Corinthians 15:5–8—Why did Jesus appear to only a select few?

1 Corinthians 15:10—Was Paul’s boasting contrary to Scripture?

1 Corinthians 15:20—Was Jesus the first one ever to be resurrected from the dead?

1 Corinthians 15:29—Doesn’t advocating baptism for the dead contradict Paul’s teaching that each person must believe individually?

1 Corinthians 15:33—By quoting a pagan poet as part of Scripture, doesn’t Paul thereby pronounce this pagan writing a part of Scripture?

1 Corinthians 15:37—Is Paul teaching that the resurrection body is a different one from the one that is sown—a kind of reincarnation?

1 Corinthians 15:44—Is the resurrection body material or immaterial?

1 Corinthians 15:45—Was Christ a life-giving spirit after His resurrection, or did He have a physical body?

1 Corinthians 15:50—If flesh and blood cannot enter heaven, then how can there be a physical resurrection?


2 Corinthians 3:7, 13—Did Moses wear a veil when speaking to the people or not?

2 Corinthians 5:21—How could Jesus be made sin when He was sinless?

2 Corinthians 11:5—Was Paul the greatest or the least of apostles?


Galatians 1:15–16—Is Paul teaching reincarnation in this passage?

Galatians 3:13—Is Christ blessed or cursed?

Galatians 3:17—Does Paul err in the amount of time between Abraham and the time the Law was given?

Galatians 6:5—Are we to bear other’s burdens or our own?


Ephesians 1:10—Does this verse teach that all will be saved (universalism)?

Ephesians 2:1—How can a person believe if he or she is dead in sins?

Ephesians 3:5—How could the mystery of Christ be hidden in previous ages and yet known by the OT Prophets?

Ephesians 4:8—Does Paul inaccurately quote Psalm 68:18?

Ephesians 4:9—Did Jesus descend into hell?

Ephesians 4:26—Is anger a sin or not?

Ephesians 6:5—Doesn’t this command perpetuate the institution of slavery?


Philippians 2:5–7—If Christ emptied Himself of deity while on earth, then how could He be God?

Philippians 2:25—If Paul had the gift of healing, why couldn’t he heal his coworker, Epaphroditus?

Philippians 3:15—Are Christians perfect, or still on the way?

Philippians 4:4—How can we rejoice always when Jesus said “blessed are those who mourn”?

Philippians 4:5—Is the Lord’s coming at hand or far off?


Colossians 1:18—If Christ is only the firstborn in creation, then how can He be God?

Colossians 1:20—Does this verse teach that all will be saved (universalism)?

Colossians 1:24—How can Christ’s death on the Cross be sufficient for salvation when Paul speaks of what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ?

Colossians 2:8—Does this verse mean Christians should not study philosophy?

Colossians 2:16—Are Christians obligated to keep the Sabbath?

Colossians 3:20—Does Paul contradict Jesus when he exhorts children, “obey your parents in all things”?

Colossians 3:22—Doesn’t this command perpetuate the institution of slavery?

Colossians 4:16—What happened to the lost epistle of the Laodiceans?


1 Thessalonians 4:13—Did Paul teach the doctrine of soul-sleep?

1 Thessalonians 4:15—Did Paul teach that he would be alive when Christ returned?


2 Thessalonians 1:9—Will the wicked be annihilated or suffer conscious punishment forever?

2 Thessalonians 2:11—How can God send a lie for people to believe and yet not allow liars in heaven?


1 Timothy 2:12–14—Does the Bible limit the ministry of women?

1 Timothy 5:8—Does this contradict Jesus’ instruction about not storing treasures on earth?

1 Timothy 5:23—Was Paul recommending wine-drinking for Christians?

1 Timothy 6:16—Does only God have immortality or do humans also have it?

1 Timothy 6:16—Does God dwell in darkness or in light?

1 Timothy 6:17–18—Should wealth be avoided or retained?


2 Timothy 1:10—If Jesus abolished death, why do we still die?

2 Timothy 2:14—Is it wrong for Christians to argue about theological matters?

2 Timothy 2:25—Is repentance a gift of God or an act of man?

2 Timothy 3:12—Are all who live godly lives persecuted, or only some?

2 Timothy 3:16—Does this passage prove the inspiration of all Scripture or just some?


Titus 1:12—Doesn’t Paul involve himself in a paradox or contradiction here?

Titus 1:12—Doesn’t Paul pronounce this pagan poet inspired by making him part of Scripture?

Titus 3:10—Should the wayward be instructed or expelled from the church?


Philemon 16—Doesn’t Paul approve of the institution of slavery?


Hebrews 2:10—If Jesus was already perfect, how could He be made perfect through suffering?

Hebrews 2:14—Does the devil have the power of death or does God?

Hebrews 2:17–18—Was it possible for Christ to have sinned?

Hebrews 5:7a—Did Christ have flesh only before His resurrection?

Hebrews 5:7b—Did Christ shrink from death or face it courageously?

Hebrews 6:4–6 (cf. 10:26–31)—Does this passage teach that it is possible for Christians to lose their salvation?

Hebrews 7:3—Does this verse support reincarnation?

Hebrews 7:9–10—Do these verses indicate that an embryo is merely a potential human being, not an actual human person?

Hebrews 7:19—Was the Law of Moses perfect or imperfect?

Hebrews 8:1—Is Jesus our priest or our sacrifice?

Hebrews 9:3–4—Was the altar of incense in the Holy Place or in the Most Holy Place behind the veil?

Hebrews 9:4—Were there three things in the ark or only the tables of stone?

Hebrews 10:6–7—How can we explain the distorted quotation of Psalm 40?

Hebrews 10:11—Did OT sacrifices make atonement for sins?

Hebrews 11:8—Did Abraham know where he was going when he left his homeland to follow God?

Hebrews 11:21 (cf. GEN. 47:31)—Is there a discrepancy regarding the death of Jacob?

Hebrews 11:32—Should some of the men listed in this “hall of faith” really be included?

Hebrews 12:17—Why couldn’t Esau repent if he sought it with tears?


James 1:2—Is it desirable to avoid trials and temptation?

James 1:15—If God doesn’t tempt anyone, then why did He tempt Abraham?

James 2:12—Does the law bring liberty or bondage?

James 2:19—If the demons believe in God, then why are they not saved?

James 2:21—If Abraham was saved by works, why does the Bible say he was justified by faith?

James 3:6—Does the “course of nature” refer to reincarnation?

James 5:1–6—Are riches a blessing or a curse?

James 5:12—Is oath-taking forbidden or blessed?

James 5:17—Was the drought three years or three-and-a-half years?


1 Peter 1:2—Are we sanctified by God’s truth or by God’s Spirit?

1 Peter 3:15—Why does Peter command believers to reason about their faith when the Bible says elsewhere to simply believe?

1 Peter 3:18—Was Jesus raised in the Spirit or in a physical body?

1 Peter 3:19—Does Peter support the view that a person can be saved after he dies?

1 Peter 4:6—Is the Gospel preached to people after they die?


2 Peter 1:1—Did the Apostle Peter really write this book?

2 Peter 2:4—Are fallen angels bound or are they free to tempt human beings?

2 Peter 3: 7—Does perdition mean the unsaved will be annihilated?


1 John 3:9—Doesn’t John contradict himself when he asserts that Christians are without sin?

1 John 4:2–3—Does this refer to Jesus being in the flesh before or after His resurrection?

1 John 4:18—If love casts out all fear, why are we told to fear God?

1 John 5:7—Why is this verse on the Trinity missing in many modern translations?

1 John 5:16—What is a sin unto death?

1 John 5:18—Can Satan injure God’s children or not?


2 John 1—Who was the “elect lady”?

2 John 10—Why does this verse tell us not to receive certain people when Jesus told us to love our enemies?


3 John 7—Should money be taken from unbelievers to do God’s work?


Jude 9—Isn’t the dispute between Michael the Archangel and the devil based on an apocryphal story?

Jude 14—Doesn’t Jude cite the uninspired Book of Enoch as divinely authoritative?


Revelation 1:4—How can the Holy Spirit be seven spirits if He is one person?

Revelation 5:5—Will Jesus come again as a lion or a lamb?

Revelation 6:16—Is Christ merciful or wrathful?

Revelation 7:1—Does the Bible teach that the world is square?

Revelation 7:4–8—Who are the 144,000 of whom John writes here?

Revelation 14:13—Is heaven a place of rest and quiet or of incessant praise and singing?

Revelation 16:14—Can demons perform miracles?