Why Some Say Women Should Be Pastors

Some Christians say women should be pastors in the church. Other Christians say only men should be pastors. Both sides say their view is biblical.

What I’m going to do is give you the best arguments from both sides. And then let you decide which one you think is biblical.

What is Egalitarianism?

Some Christians say women should be pastors. This view is called egalitarianism. It says it’s ok for women to have positions of leadership and authority over men. This includes ordaining women pastors and elders.

Top 7 Reasons Why Women Should Be Pastors

One, Adam and Eve were created as equals. They both together made up the “image of God.” Both were given dominion over creation. We see this in Genesis 1 where God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule…” “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

Two, the Fall resulted in disorder. Women weren’t subordinated to men until after the curse when God said to Eve, “Your desire will be for your husband, he will rule over you.”

Three, Jesus undid the Fall by saving us. When he brought salvation, he brought back male and female equality that existed before the curse. 1 John 3 says “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.” 

The Holy Spirit being poured out on men and women in Acts 2 confirms both are equal again. The Bible says in Galatians 3, “There’s no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Four, every male and female believer is given at least one spiritual gift. And there’s no indication that gender is a factor in who receives what gifts. Instead, the Bible seems to say the Holy Spirit gives freely to each one individually as He wills. 

Five, there are even examples of women prophesying in the Bible. For example, the book of Acts says Philip had 4 unmarried daughters who prophesied. Paul talks about wives who prophesy in 1 Corinthians. So what prevents women from having other spiritual gifts like teaching or leadership?

Six, there’s at least one biblical example of women teaching men in the church. The book of Acts says that both Priscilla and Aquila took Apollos aside to explain to him the way of God more accurately. Priscilla was a woman. And she is listed before her husband Aquila. This was because she was the more dominant personality.

Finally, there’s a rich history of women being involved in God’s service. Israel had female leaders like Miriam and Deborah. Esther, Ruth and Naomi were godly examples for everyone to follow. Jesus’s and Paul’s ministry were both supported by many women. So why can’t God use women in the church today?


These seven arguments convince egalitarians that women should be pastors in the church today.

But before you agree or disagree, you need to see my next post! I’ll give you the top arguments for the other position: why women should not be pastors. See that and then decide which position you think is most biblical.

Gentleness and Respect

Also remember that there are many secondary issues that Christians disagree about. And both sides are trying to use Scripture to back up their position. It’s important to show grace, love, gentleness and respect towards people who have different views from our own.


Ware, Bruce. “Summaries of the Egalitarian and Complementarian Positions.” The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Accessed June 26, 2007. https://cbmw.org/uncategorized/summaries-of-the-egalitarian-and-complementarian-positions/.