Why Some Say Women Should Be Pastors
Here are the top 7 reasons given why women should be pastors. This view is called egalitarianism.
Why Some Say Women Should Not Be Pastors
Here are the top 9 reasons given why women should not be pastors. This view is called complementarianism.
What I Discovered about Reason & Evidence in Apologetics
Evidence and reason-based apologetics is more important for believers than unbelievers. This was one of the most surprising results from my research.
What Is Reformed Epistemology?
Here are the top three most important things to know about Reformed Epistemology as it relates to my apologetics assessment.
What Is Psychological Apologetics?
Psychological Apologetics is a very effective apologetic approach. But few people know what it is.
Does Character Matter Anymore In Ministry?
This e-booklet builds the case that the church has been increasingly characterized by ministry misconduct and offers suggestions for avoiding moral failure.
Spiritual Abuse: Unspoken Crisis
Do recent events at Mars Hill reveal an unspoken crisis in our church culture?
Philosophical Foundations for Christian Teachers
This is for small group leaders, Sunday School teachers, pastors, parents and anybody teaching in a Christian context. It answers the question: What should Christian teachers believe and value philosophically?
Is Joyce Meyer Word of Faith?
Is Joyce Meyer Word of Faith? This short book proves she is based on: (1) her education, (2) her teaching, (3) her platform, (4) her lifestyle.
Inerrancy: What’s At Stake for the Next Generation?
Author and theologian Dr. Norman Geisler has graciously featured my article on his new website today. Please read it to find out what’s happening.